Pre-delivery PCR test for asymptomatic pregnant patients
2021/04/27 [出産(分娩入院)]COVID-19 virus PCR test by taking a saliva sample will be available at Seijo Kinoshita Hospital.
This test will be performed to pregnant women around week 36 and also who does not have any suspicious symptom.(asymptomatic patients only)
For who?
Please check that you correspond to all of the followings and inform hospital staff if you wish to take the test:
*You are a Tokyo resident. (For non-Tokyo residents, please ask your city ward.)
*You currently do not have any suspicious symptom such as fever or cough.
*Your due date is close (roughly around your 36th week of pregnancy).
Testing Fee
33,000 yen (tax included)
*You can receive a grant of 20,000 yen from Tokyo-state. The final self-payment amount is 13,000 yen.
【1】This PCR test is optionally done to applicants who currently do not have any suspicious symptom.We may need to prioritize other treatment/care depending on your latest condition from a medical perspective. (e.g. When you are showing the sign of labor.)
【2】The grant for this test covers only once.
【3】There is a possibility of getting a false-positive/false-negative result.
【4】Please do not gargle your throat, eat/drink or brush your teeth for ONE hour prior to the test.
【5】Please take off your lipstick before collecting a saliva sample.
In case you get a positive (or a false-positive)result
【1】You should follow the instructions of the health center and will be basically asked to transfer to a different hospital. (Your physician may tell you that you need to change your delivery style to a c-section.)
【2】You should follow the visiting restrictions of the hospital and may need to stay separated from your baby during your stay. (You may not be able to directly breastfeed your baby in this case.)
【3】The health center of your region will inspect your case and ask about your movements and the people who you might have had a close contact. If your family member is defined as a close contact, that person may need to get a PCR test.
【4】You can get a continual public support from your city ward for your health care and child raring. Thus, we may need to share your medical history with the city ward in this case.